Durukan Şekerleme Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. (Company) will offer its TRY 42.500.000 nominal valued shares to public for sale with Fixed Price Sales via Book Building Method in the Primary Market, at TRY 17 price per share, via Deniz Yatırım Menkul Kıymetler A.Ş. on 11-12/09/2024 with the ticker of DURKN.HE (ticker will be DURKN.E in the secondary market).
Only the good till cancel (GTC) order validity should be used for orders to be sent to DURKN.HE. The maximum order value for DURKN.HE will be TRY 722.500.000. In the event that BIST members, who mediate the transmission of orders for public offering to BIST, split the orders within the framework of their risk definitions while transmitting the orders to the primary market of BIST, orders other than the first order with price-time priority will be considered as repeating orders and will not be subject to the allocation.
Following the primary market transactions, company shares will be traded in the secondary market after the assessment of Borsa İstanbul A.Ş..
The prospectus of the Company is published on the web site of the Public Disclosure Platform at https://www.kap.org.tr/en/sirketler/DK.