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Yönetim Kurulu kararı ile Kurumsal Yönetim Komitesi ve Riskin Erken Saptanması Komitelerinin çalışma esasları revize edilerek, ekli komite çalışma esaslarının kabulüne karar verilmiştir.
İşbu açıklamamızın İngilizce çevirisinde herhangi bir farklılık olması durumunda Türkçe açıklama esas kabul edilecektir.
With the resolution of the Board of Directors, the working principles of the Corporate Governance Committee and the Early Detection of Risk Committee have been revised, and the attached committee working principles have been approved.
In case of a discrepancy between the Turkish and English versions of this public disclosure, the Turkish version shall prevail.
We proclaim that our above disclosure is in conformity with the principles set down in “Material Events Communiqué” of Capital Markets Board, and it fully reflects all information coming to our knowledge on the subject matter thereof, and it is in conformity with our books, records and documents, and all reasonable efforts have been shown by our Company in order to obtain all information fully and accurately about the subject matter thereof, and we’re personally liable for the disclosures.