(*) The below list is based on the last 14 days’ notifications of the relevant year when only index/market/period is written, and on the basis of a 30 days period in other cases. For the searches for a wider period, please use “Detailed Search” page.
Related Web Links
Name | Web Site |
Capital Markets Board of Turkey | www.spk.gov.tr |
Borsa İstanbul | www.borsaistanbul.com |
Central Securities Depository and Trade Repository of Türkiye (MKK) | |
Istanbul Settlement and Custody Bank Inc. (TAKASBANK)
| www.takasbank.com.tr |
Public Oversight Accounting and Auditing Standarts Authority | www.kgk.gov.tr |
Banking Regulation and Supervison Agency | www.bddk.org.tr |
Turkish Capital Market Association | www.tspb.org.tr |
Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Treasury and Finance | www.hmb.gov.tr |
Name | Web Site |
Information and Communication Technologies Authority | www.btk.gov.tr |
Ayyıldız İmza Bilgi Güvenliği ve Teknolojileri A.Ş. | www.ayyildizimza.com.tr |
EBG Bilişim Teknolojileri ve Hizmetleri A.Ş. | www.e-tugra.com.tr |
Elektronik Bilgi Güvenliği A.Ş. | www.e-guven.com |
E-İmza Bilgi Güvenliği Hizmetleri A.Ş. | www.e-imzatr.com |
TÜBİTAK UEKAE Kamu Sertifikasyon Merkezi | www.kamusm.gov.tr |
TürkTrust Bilgi, İletişim ve Bilişim Güvenliği Hizmetleri A.Ş. | www.turktrust.com.tr |
Name | Web Site |
Data Analysis Platform | www.vap.org.tr |
e-General Meeting | egk.mkk.com.tr |
e-Investor | eyatirimci.mkk.com.tr |
e-Company | e-sirket.mkk.com.tr |
GEFAS | gefas.gov.tr |
MKK API Portal | apiportal.mkk.com.tr |